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Our mission is to provide unforgettable faith, education, and renewal experiences in God's creation for all God's people. 

*Secure online giving through Vanco Payment Solutions

Thank you for your continued support of your outdoor ministry!

Caroline Furnace Sun Pavilion

You are invited to Help Finish the Solar Pavilion by making a gift to Caroline Furnace

Sun Pavilion wlogo.png

We are thrilled to announce a major new addition to Caroline Furnace's grounds. Coming soon to the Lower Field — a new open-air pavilion powered by rooftop-solar! Thanks to the generosity of several major donors, we have raised half of the funds we need to construct the sun pavilion in time to use it for Summer Camp 2022.

To get the rest of the way, we need your help!

The solar panels on the pavilion's roof will also power our Farmhouse with renewable energy — letting us better steward God's creation, and advance our goal of "greening" Caroline Furnace's facilities.

Thank you for powering Caroline Furnace's future!

The Lord has provided us with wonderful gifts, that we may proclaim the gospel boldly through 

Caroline Furnace Lutheran Camp & Retreat Center.


Perhaps our most important gift as we seek to minister to a world in need is YOU. Your prayers and your partnership are essential to this ministry. We respectfully ask for your donations to support the incredible work done here. By providing, participating, and praying for Caroline Furnace, you share Christ's love with a world in need and provide a sacred space for all among God's beautiful creation.


We ask that you keep us in your prayers. We encourage you to participate in our programs and to bring groups here on retreat, to seek faith, education, and renewal here. We have a glorious corner of God's creation to call home, and this place helps all who come here to see and hear God more clearly - and to experience faith made tangible. Whether walking the prayer labyrinth alone, worshiping together around a campfire, or just having quality conversation among the trees, time on

retreat can truly transform community.

You are welcome here. We are one as the body of Christ, and we are so very blessed by your abundant generosity.

Peace & Blessings,                               

Caroline Furnace Staff & Board of Directors


How can you make a difference?

Recurring Donations

Did you know? You can set up scheduled donations to Caroline Furnace through Vanco,

our secure online giving engine.

This makes it easier for you when filing income taxes and helps us better project our operating budget. We provide options for quarterly, monthly or weekly giving. Recurring donations also reduce check writing for frequent donors, allow donations to continue uninterrupted during absences, allow donations to be spread out over time, and reduce administrative costs on our end. These can be paused or cancelled at any time, and can be done by both individuals and congregations. Most individual contributions are between $25 and $250.

Other ways to give back

Use the arrows below to learn more about Thrivent action teams and choice dollars, AmazonSmile, Kroger Plus, Gifts of Hope (Metro DC),, and YourCause.


Thrivent Financial

Contact your representative or click the links below to learn more about Action Team funding and Choice Dollars.

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