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Julie Kroll, Director of Sales and Program

Matthew 11:28 Takes Me Home

“Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”

If these trees could speak, I bet they would have quite a story to tell. I sometimes wonder: How many people have spent time here and left more rested, a bit more whole, feeling closer to God? How many campers have experienced God’s love through their counselors or a new friend? What is the magnitude of impact from this place hidden in Fort Valley?

There’s no way of truly knowing the impact of Caroline Furnace, but I’m beyond certain that we leave things better than we find them. We each leave camp better than when we arrive; with fresh perspectives, a sense of renewal, a new family, and countless memories. Then we take a bit of Caroline Furnace out into the world with us to share with others. It isn’t about just this place, it is about the community that has risen out of this valley. We have something rare here - an open, welcoming, far-reaching community, where we can find family in all parts of the world.

How many times have I made the trek to Caroline Furnace or to a camp friend in the past few years, seeking to ease my burdens and refill my cup? I don’t know how many, but I can tell you that it’s quite a few. Caroline Furnace is a place for all who are weary and seeking rest. All are welcome here. YOU are welcome here.

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