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Bryan Hepner

Galatians 6:9-10 Takes Me Home

So let us not grow weary in doing what is right, for we will reap at harvest time, if we do not give up. So then, whenever we have an opportunity, let us work for the good of all, and especially for those of the family of faith. When I was asked to write this reflection I agreed thinking, "Sure, no problem." However, after starting the task of picking a verse I quickly realized that this would not be so easy for me for different reasons. One of which is that I don't consult my Bible as much as I should, or probably think that I do. Another is that for many years I have struggled with my faith and relationship with God, often with God not understanding my plans...kidding, it was very much the other way around.

So as I went through my Bible trying to find a verse to describe camp, I had many feelings I wanted to express but couldn't find the right verse for any of them. Until, in the back of my Lutheran Study Bible, I found verses listed under the subject 'Family' and this really hit me as it is a word that encompasses so many different feelings. Caroline Furnace is a very special place where no matter where you come from, what you are going through, or who you are, you are welcome. Early on, I didn't feel as though I belonged in this place (how ridiculous!) but it turned into a place that I didn't want to leave. Camp is where I met my amazing wife. Camp is the reason I have my three wonderful kids. Camp is the place where I have made all of my closest friendships. I chose this verse to share because I thought it especially appropriate coming off of an amazing Work Weekend where so much was accomplished. But there is still so much more to do. It gave me hope and peace as I read it knowing that the Caroline Furnace family, my family, will be there to take care of what needs to be done, for each other as we go through good times and bad, and for the future so that those coming after us will have this wonderful place to explore, learn, grow, and experience God's presence as so many of us already have. Bryan Hepner, Counselor, Volunteer, Soon to be Camper Parent

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